Gresford Athletic support Football v Homophobia month with designated matchday

February marks Football v Homophobia month – and clubs all across Wales are getting involved.

For the very first time, Gresford Athletic are signing up as champions for what they see as a really important campaign – to to challenge discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression at all levels in football. 

“We have always looked to encourage inclusivity at Gresford Athletic and we are always keen to back any positive initiatives, previously supporting a number of FAW-led campaigns in many different areas, so we are absolutely delighted to get involved with FvH awareness month for 2024,” says club secretary Matthew Jones.

The Colliers’ home game against Bangor 1876 on Friday 2 February will be their designated FvH game – and ahead of the fixture, there will be build-up on social media and a FvH-specific match programme, with the captain wearing a Progress Flag armband for the match. 

“We all need to do our bit to ensure that every person involved in the game, and in society as a whole, feels comfortable and accepted for who they are,” adds Jones. “Football is for everyone and it is so important that nobody feels that they are excluded from taking part in any capacity.”

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