JD Cymru Premier clubs begin recruitment for FAW-funded full-time members of staff

Funded by the Football Association of Wales (FAW) as part of the recently-launched JD Cymru Premier strategy, top-flight clubs are this summer recruiting for full-time members of staff.

11 out of the 12 JD Cymru Premier clubs for 2024/25 have applied for a grant which will allow them to hire either a General Manager, Community Delivery Manager or a Commercial Manager based upon each club’s individual circumstances and requirements.

The FAW will be investing nearly £1million into this project over the next three years to support off-field developments within the league and help to achieve the strategic aims for the JD Cymru Premier.

Jack Sharp, FAW Head of Domestic Leagues, said: “Back in April, the FAW shared how important the growth of off-field operations was for the JD Cymru Premier to be a success.

“I am delighted that we are moving swiftly forward with achieving the first big project connected to strategy. This investment will allow clubs to developer stronger foundations and provide a resource to help with the development of the league.”

Visit individual clubs’ websites for more information on the specific roles that they are hiring for and how to apply.

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