

Fit-For-Future Facilities Programme

Funded by the FAW and UK Government (DCMS)

  • Large and small grants available supporting capital projects from grass-pitch improvements to changing room developments
  • CURRENTLY CLOSED – Application window date TBC
    In the meantime, please contact if you’d like to arrange a discussion with a member of our team regarding a future application

Fit-For-Future Equipment Fund

Funded by the FAW and UK Government (DCMS)

  • Small grants up to £30,000 available covering essential equipment from goalposts to pitch maintenance equipment
  • CURRENTLY CLOSED – Re-opening Nov ’24.
    In the meantime, please contact if you’d like to arrange a discussion with a member of our team regarding a future application

Sustainability Fund

  • CURRENTLY CLOSED – Opening Jan ’25.
    In the meantime, please contact if you’d like to arrange a discussion with a member of our team regarding a future application

Our Success Stories

Learn More

Facilities Funding

Read how Ystradgynlais AFC applied for funding through our Fit-for-Future Facilities programme

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Equipment Funding

Read how Garden Village AFC applied for funding after their current pitch maintenance equipment was no longer fit for purpose

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