Away Trips

Away Trips

Please show your support for FAW Safeguarding by reading and understanding the information below.

For all away trips, its important that Mini and Junior Football clubs implement the following:

  • All staff and persons of responsibility will need to hold a current and valid DBS check, COMET ID number and received their digital COMET registration card.
  • There should be at least one nominated safeguarding officer in attendance who has a valid DBS check. COMET ID number and who has completed the FAW Safeguarding Course.
  • There must be a sufficient ratio of supervision for the number of children going.  The appropriate ratios depend on the ages of the children attending. Whilst on away trips, the below ratios should ideally be increased.
Child AgeNo. of adultsNo. of children
0 – 213
2 – 314
4 – 816
9 – 1218
13 – 18110
  • Parental consent for each child to attend the trip must be obtained, along with emergency contact information, medical information (and permission for the trip manager to provide consent for a child to receive medical treatment if necessary) and dietary requirements. 
  • Parents should be provided with information as to the purpose of the trip, an itinerary, accommodation details and the personnel who will be in attendance. In addition, the club should provide a copy of their safeguarding policy* prior to travelling. 
  • The trip managers’ contact details should be circulated to all parents.
  • A risk assessment should be carried out prior to travelling.
  • The process for how parents contact their children and how children can contact their parents should be communicated beforehand.
  • Expected standards of behaviour should be discussed with the trip attendees and their parents including social medial usage.
  • Appropriate insurance should be in place for all of those travelling.
  • If travelling during school time, clubs must ensure that education provision is taken seriously.
  • Parents should be provided with the room lists beforehand, along with the supervising adults sleeping arrangements.
  • Ideally, children of the same age should room together, however, if they are to be sharing with adults parents must be informed and provide their written consent to this.
  • There should be sufficient number of registered first aiders travelling with the group.
  • If there are any incidents whilst on the trip, the club must ensure that their parents are informed immediately, and a written record is kept.