Safeguarding Training
It is compulsory for all Safeguarding Officers to complete the FAW Safeguarding Award, however there are a number of organisations, resources and training that you can access for further guidance and support.

FAW Safeguarding Award
It is compulsory for all safeguarding officers to complete necessary safeguarding training to prepare them for the role. The FAW Safeguarding Award is a three hour interactive workshop that is now provided online and covers the following areas:
- Identifying poor practice and recognising signs, symptoms and forms of abuse.
- How to respond to concerns or disclosures.
- Advice on how to identify people and organisations that can support in such situations.
- Best practice guidelines when working with children and vulnerable adults in football.
- Identify and implement adequate safeguarding measures, which protect all involved in football in Wales.
The FAW Safeguarding Award is valid for three years and the course must be completed again to renew.
Please Note: All FAW Coach Education awards require candidates to be a minimum age of 16 before accessing any of our resources, modules or practical contact days.
Please click the following link to book your course: fawcourses.com/category/safeguarding
If you feel you have adequate safeguarding training already, please email safeguarding@faw.cymru with a copy of your safeguarding certificate and your comet ID number. A member of the FAW Safeguarding will then confirm if this can be accepted.
Other Useful Training Resources
Welsh Sports Association Time to Listen Course
The CPSU has developed Time To Listen (TTL), a training programme specifically for people who have a designated role in safeguarding within a sports setting in England and Wales.
TTL is a training course designed to equip designated persons at various levels within sporting organisations to fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities to children.
For upcoming Time to Listen courses please visit the Courses section of the WSA webiste: WSA Safeguarding Training
Alternatively e-mail the team to request a course – admin@wsa.wales
The Child Protection in Sport Unit Safeguarding Training
The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is a partnership between the NSPCC, Sport Wales, Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland and are available to provide advice around safeguarding children in sport.
The CPSU provides safeguarding webinars, podcasts, courses and online training. Please click the following link to access their website and view their training and events section: Child Protection in Sport Unit https://thecpsu.org.uk/
The CPSU can be contacted via email cpsu@nspcc.org.uk or via phone 029 2033 4975
The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) is the leading children’s charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. The NSPCC is the only UK children’s charity with statutory powers, which means they can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.
The NSPCC offer a wide range of information and safeguarding resources which you can access through the following link: www.nspcc.org.uk/
For guidance or advice, the NSPCC can be contacted through the following email help@nspcc.org.uk or via phone 0808 800 5000
UEFA Safeguarding Training
UEFA has very recently developed online safeguarding courses and resources to help support Football Associations and promote safeguarding. If you would like to update your safeguarding knowledge, the courses they provide are free and easy to access through the following link: www.uefa-safeguarding.eu/learning
Please note that the UEFA courses must not be completed instead of the FAW Safeguarding award, but its encourage to complete the training alongside it.
FIFA Safeguarding Training
FIFA’s mission is to promote the game of football, protect its integrity and bring the game to all. As part of that effort, “FIFA’s Vision 2020-2023 Making Football Truly Global” sets out FIFA’s commitment to promote safe sport as part of broader efforts to protect human rights.
One of the cornerstones of this commitment is the FIFA Guardians safeguarding programme. The FIFA Guardians programme provides a framework to help our 211 member associations (MA’s) to prevent any risk of harm to children in football and respond appropriately.
The following link will bring you to the FIFA Guardians Safeguarding in Sport educational programme: