Transporting Players

Transporting Players

Please show your support for FAW Safeguarding by reading and understanding the information below.

Where parents/carers transport their own children or make private arrangements with other parents/carers to deliver or collect their children, they are responsible for their children’s safety and for the suitability of any travel arrangements.

However, where organisation is organising transportation of its junior players and asks or requires parents to transport other people’s children on the organisation’s behalf, the organiser has a responsibility to take reasonable steps to safeguard these players for whom they have a duty of care.

Please show your support for FAW Safeguarding by reading and understanding the information below:

The FAW encourages personnel not to take children on journeys alone in their car, but we recognise that in some circumstances it is an essential part of a child’s participation in training and competition. If all alternatives have been exhausted and an adult must transport a child, there are a number of safety measures that should be put in place to minimise the risk:

  • Establish the suitability of any driver. The driver like all coaches/volunteers who have unsupervised access to children, should have completed a DBS check via the FAW and be in receipt of an FAW number and safeguarding scheme card.
  • Parents/carers should be informed of, and consent to transport arrangements, including the person who will be transporting their child, the reasons why and how long the journey will take.
  • A person other than the planned driver should talk to the child about transport arrangements to check they are comfortable with the transport plans.
  • Organisations must ensure drivers representing the club have valid car insurance, MOT and driving licence prior to carrying any passengers.
  • The driver must check with their own insurance company if they want to use their car as part of their paid/volunteer role.
  • Organisations should try to ensure there is more than one child in the car.
  • When transporting children after a match or training session personnel should alternate which child is dropped off last. Ideally two children would be dropped off at an agreed point such as one of their family homes.
  • The driver should have a point of contact and mobile phone in case of an emergency.
  • Ensure that children are aware of their rights to be safe and that they have someone to turn to or report any concerns they may have. If a culture of safety is created within the club then the child is more likely to talk to another person if they are feeling uncomfortable about a situation. Please ensure that the identity and role of the Club Safeguarding Officer is publicised.

Late Collections

Late collections can present clubs and coaches with particular difficulties. Parents/carers should be provided with guidelines addressing the issue and outlining their responsibility for collecting their child on time and the consequences of late collections.

Clubs should have contact numbers for parents/carers and if possible be provided with an alternative contact number.

Parents/carers should have a contact number for the club/coach to inform them of emergencies and possible late collections.

General Safety Points

Children should wear seatbelts at all times.
The following is guidance regarding the seat-belt law which was introduced in September 2006, for more information please visit

  • Children must have an appropriate child restraint or seatbelt when travelling in a car or goods vehicle.
  • If a child is under 12 years of age or less than 135cm tall, they must use the right type of booster chair or booster cushion.
  • Older children should use an adult seatbelt.

Alternative Transport

If taxis are used by your organisation and there is no child restraint available; children can travel in the back seat of taxis. Those over 3 must use the adult seatbelt.

Sometimes parents/carers may be asked to drive a minibus on behalf of the organisation/club.

Passengers on minibuses will be required to wear seat belts where fitted and the driver will be responsible for making sure that children under 14 use their seatbelts. If seatbelts are fitted on a bus, passengers must use them. The driver will be responsible for letting people know that they must use seat belts.

*Adapted from CPSU Briefings ‘Guidance on transporting Children & Young People in your car’.