Code of Conducts for your Members
The FAW Code of Conduct sets standards for clubs, coaches, players and parents involved in football. The underlying principle of the code is to improve standards of good practice and to safeguard the wellbeing of all those involved in the game, particularly young players. Please implement the following Codes of Conduct for your members.

Coach Code of Conduct
The FAW Safeguarding Team have developed a Code of Conduct for Coaches to provide guidelines on what behaviour is expected from all FAW registered coaches. The main purposes of the code are to secure a certain standard of coaching and to protect the welfare of individuals and groups with whom coaches work, as well as giving the coach reference points as how to react in difficult situations.
Player Code of Conduct
The FAW Safeguarding Team have developed a Code of Conduct for Players to provide guidelines on what behaviour is expected from all FAW registered players. The main purposes of the code is to ensure all players display the correct behaviour both on and off the field and to ensure our football environments are free from disrespectful behaviour and bullying.
Parents Code of Conduct
The FAW Safeguarding Team have developed a Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators to provide guidelines on what behaviour is expected on the sidelines. Its important that we eradicate negative behaviour (such as shouting or ridiculing) from our small sided and junior environment to ensure enjoyment is the priority. Parents should act as positive role models to all players involved.