Safeguarding Structure
The FAW has implemented the following structure to ensure that Safeguarding is embedded into our Welsh football culture and to ensure a positive football environment can be provided. It is compulsory for all Clubs, Leagues and Area Associations to have a registered Safeguarding officer in place to support the FAW Safeguarding Policy, Practices and Procedures.
Club Safeguarding Officer Roles and Responsibilities
- Administer DBS programme.
- Ensure that coaches and relevant personnel have current and valid DBS checks and have registered with the club on the COMET system.
- Ensure that coaches and relevant personnel have the necessary qualifications to undertake their roles.
- Ensure that the club meets at least the Standard level of the Club Accreditation Programme (in partnership with club colleagues).
- Act as the point of contact for minor safeguarding/welfare issues at club level.
- Report issues that cannot be dealt with at club level to your League Safeguarding Officer.
- Implement best practice at club level.
- Comply with the CSO Code of Conduct.

League Safeguarding Officer Roles and Responsibilities
- Support club safeguarding officers with their duties and offer support and guidance.
- Communicate leagues responsibility to safeguard children.
- Promote FAW safeguarding policies.
- Monitor best practice at club level.
- Act as liaison between club and Area Association.
- Implement reporting procedure and escalate concerns to Area Association/FAW Safeguarding where necessary.
- Investigate safeguarding issues where appropriate.
- Reporting issues to Area Safeguarding officer that cannot be dealt with at a League level.
- Support clubs when going through a restructure (i.e. change of verifier or club safeguarding officer).
- Ensure individuals have received the necessary training.
- Monitor Club Accreditation Programme (in partnership with League Secretary).
Area Safeguarding Officer Roles and Responsibilities
- Promote and disseminate FAW Safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Manage children’s welfare within the Association.
- Arrange and attend necessary meetings with member leagues and clubs.
- Assist FAW Safeguarding department with investigations into safeguarding concerns where directed.
- Investigate safeguarding issues and complaints where appropriate.
- Report issues to FAW Safeguarding that cannot be dealt with at an Area level.
- Monitor best practice at club and league level.
- Ensure that individuals have received the necessary training.
- Manage the Area’s responsibility to safeguard children.

FAW Safeguarding Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Comprises of National Safeguarding & Player Welfare Manager, Safeguarding Executive and Safeguarding Co-ordinator.
- Manage statutory and legal matters.
- Undertake investigations into serious matters; criminal activity, sexual offences, drugs, violence.
- Policy development & implementation.
- Training & education.
- Consultation.
- Manage National DBS Programme- forms are submitted to FAW and processed before sending onto the DBS.
- Log DBS information to an individual’s COMET profile upon receipt of DBS. certificate/clearance.
- Assist with COMET registration process and check that an individual involved in junior football has a valid DBS before confirming their registration on the COMET system.
- Assist with the management of coach registration issues and queries.
- Manage independent Safeguarding Panel.
- Communication of safeguarding procedures and protocols.
- Manage complaints/concerns and refer as necessary.