Registered Intermediaries
Below is a list of individuals registered as Intermediaries with the Association in accordance with the FAW’s Intermediary Regulations and FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries.
If an individual you are dealing with is not displayed below, or for further information on how to register as an intermediary with the Association, please contact
Please also find below a list of registered Intermediary Transactions for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 in accordance with the FAW’s publishing obligations under the FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries.
Click the links below to view the list.
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Registered Intermediaries List
A list of individuals registered as intermediaries with the FAW in accordance with FAW's Intermediary Regulations and FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries
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Registered Intermediary Transactions
A list of registered intermediary transactions from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021