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Cymru Premier Strategy 2024-2030

The strategy encompasses a range of initiatives designed to enhance the league’s competitiveness, administration, brand visibility, community engagement, and commercial viability.

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Inspirational & Fit for Future Facilities Vision

Facility Vision detailing the mission to address the current issues facing the standard of grassroots football facilities across Wales.

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The Welsh Way

Our National Syllabus serves as a resource to support all stakeholders in the delivery of Welsh football

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Cymru, Well-being and the World

The FAW's Sustainability Strategy 2030

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High Performance Strategy

Evolving our Legacy 2022-2026

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Our Wales: The Strategic Plan for Welsh Football 2021-2026

The FAW's 2021-2026 Strategic Plan for Welsh Football

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Environments For Her

A resource to support all women and girls' providers with key hints, tips and methods to ensure every female player across Wales, can play football without fear, in a positive and inclusive environment

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Referee Recruitment Strategy

The FAW's strategic plan for refereeing in Wales to underpin the 'Our Wales' strategy

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FAW EDI Strategy

PAWB – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2021-2026

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FAW Anti-Doping Education Strategy & Implementation Plan 2021

Our commitment and implementation plan in delivering a value based approach for anti-doping education within the prevent pillar of the FAW Integrity Strategy

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FAW Integrity Strategy

Our commitment to integrity and the actions the FAW will implement to achieve our vision of an equal and fair game

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Our Wales – For Her

The FAW Women & Girls' Football Strategy 2021-2026

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