UPDATE: Professor McAllister appointed to UEFA Vice-President Role
Professor Laura McAllister and Gabriele Gravina (Italy) were appointed UEFA vice-presidents during the Constitutive UEFA Executive Committee meeting which followed the UEFA Congress, replacing Fernando Gomes (Portugal) and Sándor Csányi (Hungary).
Professor Laura McAllister’s position on the UEFA Executive Committee has been confirmed following her official election at the 47th Ordinary UEFA Congress in Lisbon, Portugal. This is the first time that a representative from Wales has been elected to a position on European football’s governing body.
The FAW strategy ‘Our Wales’ commits to Welsh football having a voice at the top tables of European and world football. With Professor McAllister’s election, the FAW has achieved another huge milestone of that strategy.
Professor McAllister has previously been Deputy Chairperson of the UEFA Women’s Football Committee and is a member of the UEFA Working Group on Gender Equality.
A former Cymru Captain, Professor McAllister won 24 caps at international level and has also been involved in senior roles in sports leadership and governance following her playing career.
The Executive Committee is UEFA’s supreme executive body. It comprises of the UEFA President, 16 other members elected by a UEFA Congress, plus two elected by the European Club Association and one by the European Leagues.
The Executive Committee is empowered to adopt the regulations and make decisions on all matters that do not fall within the legal or statutory jurisdiction of the UEFA Congress. The Executive Committee essentially manages UEFA.
Professor McAllister will now begin a four-year term on the UEFA Executive Committee.