To mark White Ribbon Day 2022, the ‘Red Wall’ of Cymru have joined forces with the Live Fear Free helpline and the Football Association of Wales to send a clear message to the world – we’re blowing the final whistle on violence against women.
As a proud nation, with a strong history of togetherness, and with the whole country getting behind the Welsh football team in Qatar, there is no better time to also start playing as a team to end violence against women in Wales.
During the World Cup Welsh fans will take the lead to demonstrate that Wales is a country with a zero-tolerance approach to violence against women.
In a specially produced video, 11 female members of the Red Wall signal that ‘Ry’n ni yma o hyd’ – we are still here – for everyone who has, or is, experiencing violence or abuse.
The video has been created by an all-female team including a new cover of Yma O Hyd, the official song for Wales’s World Cup campaign, by Welsh musician Bronwen Lewis and featuring videography from Cardiff based sisters, Elena and Sofia Costa.
White Ribbon UK is a movement of men and boys working to end male violence against women and girls.
White Ribbon Day 2022 highlights 11 traits men and boys can nurture to help create a world of equality and safety for women, with campaign hashtag #TheGoal.
Four male members of the Red Wall have signed up as White Ribbon Ambassadors, making the White Ribbon Promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women. Steve Thomas, Steve Austins, Greg Caine and Paul Lindsay are all passionate about making a difference.
White Ribbon Ambassadors are male volunteers who engage with other men and boys to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their friends, colleagues, and communities to promote a culture of equality and respect.
Football Association of Wales CEO, Noel Mooney said:
“At the FAW we believe it is incredibly important to continue our support of the vital Welsh Government Live Fear Free helpline and campaign.
“With the global movement, White Ribbon Day, falling on the same day as Cymru’s second match in the FIFA World Cup, it is crucial we utilise the FAW’s platform on the World stage to highlight the importance of men advocating never taking part in, condoning, or being silent about violence against women.
“The FAW are proud to see our female and male members of Y Wal Goch support this campaign through their participation in the powerful Live Fear Free video and as White Ribbon ambassadors.”
Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt said:
“I want to thank everyone who is helping us highlight and promote our Live Fear Free campaign, Wales stands united in our condemnation of violence against women, gender-based violence, domestic abuse, and sexual violence (VAWDASV) and stands equally committed in our resolve to end it.
“I want to pay tribute to those that have come forward as ambassadors, through you and all those that volunteer to help support victims of abuse, we will work to end the scourge of VAWDASV and continue to make Wales the safest place to be a woman.”
Anyone impacted by violence or abuse can contact the Live Fear Free helpline.
Live Fear Free is a free, 24/7 service for all victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and coercive control and those close to them, including family, friends, and colleagues.
Live Fear Free can be contacted in the following ways:
Call: 0808 80 10 800
Text: 0786 007 7333
Email: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales
Live chat: gov.wales/livefearfree
To learn more about Live Fear Free please click here