Joe Allen has announced his retirement from international football, and has shared the following statement:
“Playing for Wales has been a great passion and love in my life, I have been extremely fortunate.
I have shared this journey with incredible people…my family, teammates, staff and fans have made it special and I’m hugely grateful to you all.
Our nation’s support is inspiring, and it has given me immense pride to wear the shirt…so many unforgettable experiences.
Unfortunately, time and injuries take their toll and so it’s time for me to make way for our next generation. The future of Welsh football is bright.
All the best,
“Rwyf wedi bod yn hynod o ffodus yn fy mywyd i gael chwarae dros Gymru.
Mae’r daith wedi bod yn un anhygoel ac rwyf wedi ei rannu â phobl arbennig iawn: fy nheulu, cyd-chwaraewyr, staff a chefnogwyr; pob un wedi cyfrannu i’w wneud yn daith eithriadol.
Rwyf yn ddiolchgar i bob un ohonoch. Roedd y gefnogaeth gan Gymry oll yn ysbrydoliaeth a roddodd balchder pur i mi bob tro wrth wisgo’r crys. Bu cymaint o brofiadau bythgofiadwy.
Yn anffodus, oherwydd anafiadau daeth diwedd cyfnod ac mae’n amser rhoi cyfle i’r genhedlaeth nesaf fwrw ‘mlaen. Mae dyfodol pêl droed Cymru yn ddisglair.
Pob hwyl.