Coming Out in Football
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Coming Out in Football
As part of the FAW’s “Our Wales” Strategy, we have developed our PAWB Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2021-2026, which outlines our commitment and objectives in creating a more equal game in Wales. Our core vision in the PAWB equality, diversity and inclusion Strategy is a game that is for EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE in Wales, where everyone can participate and strive to be the best version of themselves.
The contents of this guide aim to help players, supporters, coaches, officials, and anyone who is involved in our sport, the opportunity to have support when coming out in Football.
It also provides an opportunity for those who are not in the LGBTQ+ community the chance to learn about allyship and its importance.
We can all play a key role in working towards a future where being in the LGBTQ+ community within the game is normalised and we can all enjoy Football without fear of discrimination.
It is all our responsibility to continually educate ourselves and be allies to underrepresented groups, to work towards an equal game that reflects all communities across Wales.
We need everyone’s support throughout the football family, together, we can all make a difference.