Inclusive Language
Power of Words
The language we use can play a huge part in making people feel welcome and included.
Are all Club members aware of up-to-date inclusive language and terminology across all EDI areas?
Certain language and words are unacceptable regardless of whether or not they are intentionally used to hurt. The intent behind language doesn’t necessarily alter the effect words can have on someone. It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of what terms are appropriate and to challenge and report any use of discriminatory language.
You can use the Language & Terminology guide to brief members on the correct language to use.
Inclusive Communication
Is the Club’s communication channels and content inclusive and accessible to all?
Being aware of the individual requirements of the Clubs members will help in understanding what spesific support is required to put in place to ensure all communications are accessable and available for everyone. The Club should aim to produce materials and resources in accessible formats such as BSL, large print, colour-blind friendly, audio or braille, additional languages, interperters or at a minimum have a process in place to do so when requested. Sometimes a face-to-face conversation may be more effective than digital or physical communications.