BE. Football

Schools Programme

The BE. Football schools programme is where girls learn life skills through football in school. 

Delivered in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust (YST), the BE. Football Schools Programme aims to empower girls and teach life skills through football. Teachers are provided with the training to deliver this as part of the physicial education curriculum.

Each school will be tasked to identify 6 KS3 girls to engage in the programme by becoming BE. Football influencers where they will lead the football-related activities to younger girls in their schools!

With 79 secondary schools across Wales currently on the programme, the Football Association of Wales (FAW) are recruiting a further 25 secondary schools to empower more girls through football during the 24/25 academic year.

With a focus on developing female leaders for the future, the BE. Football programme is proudly supported by 6 Cymru Women’s National Team Players’ are passionate about the initiative. The Programme Ambassadors support and inspire throughout the programm and the girls will have the opportunity to meet and engage with the players whilst on their learning journey.

Online training will be provided to teachers in addition to a training day for both teachers and pupils.

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BE. Football

Mentoring Programme

The BE. Football Mentoring Programme aims to build the confidence of women aged 18+ who are actively working or volunteering in football and want to progress in their careers.

Mentees include those who are interested in starting their first job in football or those looking to progress to a more senior role on or off the pitch. During the nine months, the mentees are paired with a mentor best suited to their field of work and future aspirations.

There are three face-to-face contact days where the cohort comes together to share experiences and learn from the best in the industry which has included UEFA Vice President, Laura McAllister, Former Cymru international Helen Ward and Liesel Jolly the Women’s Football Lead at Visa as well as other influential women in the industry.

The programme, now in its third year is incredibly successful with many of the mentees going on to secure full-time roles at the FAW or elsewhere in football.

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For more information and to apply

BE. Football

Mentoring Programme

Be Cymru

@becymru is an Instagram platform to empower and inspire teenage girls and young women to BE BOLD, BE BACH BE HYDERUS, BE LOUD. 

We use this platform to elevate women & girls across all areas of the game in Wales to empower and show girls that they can be anything they want to be. Follow HERE.

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