Strategic Focus Areas
Our seven focus areas provide the broad aims to drive sustainable practices. Our well-being objectives and steps highlight how we will produce these goals, and the outcomes define what we hope to achieve.
We commit to a proactive and transparent communication of our progress and actions, and embrace the power of storytelling to creatively communicate our journey, amplify the voices of our community, and inspire others to act for both current and future generations. We invite you to join this movement.

Croeso – A culturally diverse, creative and welcoming football ecosystem.
Health – Improve the nation’s health, focusing on prevention and early intervention.
Facilities – Ensure facilities create positive impacts and are fit for the future.
Team – Shifting mindsets and team culture throughout the football ecosystem to live the change we want to see in others.
Partnerships – Build and enable a movement for change.
Structures – Develop agile, effective and diverse structures.
Decarbonisation – Become net zero by 2030.