Sustainability | The Wellbeing of Future Generations

The FAW has a responsibility at a global and local level today and tomorrow, and we are committed to delivering our mission effectively and sustainably.

The bedrock of our sustainability strategy is the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Its sustainable development principle commits us to take action to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Cymru.

This means acting in a manner which ensures that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Locally, we will also align with the Welsh Government’s vision for sport in our nation, as well as their international strategy for a globally responsible Cymru.

At a global level, we will need to work towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and proactively and continuously engage with UEFA’s football sustainability strategy 2030.

The FAW will integrate the Well-being of Future Generations Act into our planning and delivery to contribute positively to global and local well-being. For this, we will take action with these ideas and ways of working at heart:


The importance of balancing short-termneeds with the needs to safeguard the ability to also meet long-term needs.


Considering how the public body’s wellbeing objectives may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on their objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies.


The importance of involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals, and ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of the area which the body serves.


Acting in collaboration with any other person (or different parts of the body itself) that could help the body to meet its well-being objectives.


How acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse may help public bodies meet their objectives.

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