PAWB Values Campaign

PAWB Values Campaign

The FAW is committed to ensuring football is a place where everyone can feel respected and supported across the game in Wales.

To further support the FAW’s vision for Welsh football and its culture, the FAW created ‘PAWB Values’, a campaign which highlights the FAW’s core values of ‘Respect, Excellence and Family”. 

The FAW’s guiding principles form the acronym ‘REF’. One of this years’ iterations of the #PAWBValues campaign highlighted the importance of respecting everyone across the Welsh football family to support the development of excellence. These three key principles are in place to guide all aspects of the FAW’s work and are values which are key to growing and developing the game in Wales and will continue to feature prominently across the FAW’s upcoming initiatives, around Respect, Integrity, Fair-Play and Inclusion. 

In 2023 the FAW revealed worrying survey results that detailed that 1 in 4 Referees in Welsh football had experienced physical abuse. Initiatives have been launched under the #PAWBValues banner to reduce incidents of abuse and improve discipline, including the introduction of Temporary Dismissals to grassroots senior and junior football and Yellow Arm Bands for Junior Referees have been introduced across the country.

PAWB Values

Sean Regan Coach/Referee

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