Statement: Mr Philip Pritchard

Following a recent disciplinary matter brought by the Football Association of Wales against Mr Philip Pritchard, which was considered by an Independent Arbitration Panel, Mr Pritchard’s association with the FAW has ended with immediate effect. Mr Pritchard therefore ceases to be a Past President, Council Member and Shareholder of the FAW. 

Disciplinary proceedings were brought against Mr Pritchard in October 2022 following a complaint received by the FAW regarding Mr Pritchard’s conduct.  The matter was referred to an Independent Arbitration Panel which decided that an appropriate sanction was to suspended Mr Pritchard. The sanction delivered by the Panel included a suspended suspension that was subsequently enforced after Mr Pritchard failed to comply with conditions set out within the Panel’s decision.

Further disciplinary proceedings were brought by the FAW in May 2023 as a result of comments made by Mr Pritchard to the BBC.  This matter was also referred to an Independent Arbitration Panel.  After considering all of the facts, the Panel decided that the appropriate sanction was to terminate Mr Pritchard’s association with the FAW with immediate effect.  

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