Two former Cymru players honoured by Gorsedd Cymru

Former Cymru internationals Professor Laura McAllister and John Mahoney were honoured by Gorsedd Cymru at the Llŷn and Eifionydd National Eisteddfod last week.

These honours, presented annually, recognise individuals from all parts of the country for their achievements and their commitment to Wales, our language and their local communities across the whole of Wales. Both McAllister and Mahoney were awarded blue robes for their services to the nation.

A former Cymru Captain, Professor McAllister won 24 caps at international level and has also been involved in senior roles in sports leadership and governance following her playing career. This year, she was elected to the UEFA Executive Committee as Vice-President, the first representative from Wales and the first female footballer to achieve this.

Mahoney represented Cymru 51 times between 1967-1983 and was part of the squad that reached the quarter finals of the 1976 UEFA European Championship. After his playing career, Mahoney managed both Bangor City, Newport County and Carmarthen Town. Off the field he set about learning Welsh, attending higher level ‘Siawns am Sgwrs’ sessions in west Wales.

The FAW would like to congratulate both Professor McAllister and Mahoney on being honoured by Gorsedd Cymru.

Picture credit – Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru

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