New changing room facilities unveiled at Clydach FC

Former Cymru International Helen Ward was on hand to open the Cymru Football Foundation’s latest fit-for-future football facility at Clydach in Swansea. 

Cymru’s record goal scorer heard more from female players at CPD Clydach FC about the positive impact the investment will have on their experiences, before taking part in a Q&A, posing for photographs and signing autographs. 

Speaking at the event, Helen said: “As a young girl coming into a facility, you want to feel comfortable and at home. You want to feel that it’s been made for you and you’re not just an extra that’s having the opportunity to use it.

“Grassroots is crying out for investment and a facility of this standard and quality is going to have a huge impact on the local area – for a grassroots facility in particular I’m really impressed, it’s fabulous.

“The Cymru Football Foundation help for clubs is only going to make grassroots football better. The better we can make the grassroots, then the better we can make the game.”

In partnership with UK Government, the CFF have supported the creation of brand-new changing facilities with a grant of £300,000 – allowing a safe space for the club’s thriving women and girls provision. 

Having only been able to welcome female players up to U13 level previously, these new facilities will allow more players and better experiences alongside making strides towards doubling the number of women and girls playing football across the country – a key priority for the Cymru Football Foundation. 

Aled Lewis, Director at Cymru Football Foundation said: “This project will have a hugely positive impact on the players at CPD Clydach FC and the wider community. The Cymru Football Foundation is extremely grateful for the support of UK Government to deliver this project.”

“We’re making strides in improving football facilities in Wales and seeing the difference a project like this inspires us to develop outstanding football facilities to enrich communities.”

Helen Ward at the opening of Clydach FC’s new changing room facilities at Coed Gwilym Park on the 29th May 2024.

The CFF supports the development of football through investment and guidance as it delivers the FAW’s commitment to develop inspirational fit-for-future football facilities that will improve and grow Welsh football both on and off the pitch.

Since October 2022, the Foundation has invested over £9 million in fit-for-future facilities across Wales thanks to support from UK Government, the Football Association of Wales and Sport Wales. 

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